

I hope you are blessed enough in your lifetime to have a friend like I do.  She is one of those friends who expects nothing in return. Always honest. Always true. She sends things in the mail to me, unannounced and when I least expect them.  She is always available for a lunch date or not. No strings attached. Always there. No judgements are ever made. Always understanding. Always caring. 

Erin, I received the box of clothes you sent for Max. Of course, unexpected. Of course, you ask nothing in return. Thank you for always being you.

I love you, Always-


elizabeth said...

unexpected gifts are the best...
so are true friends!!!
Those are rare and hard to find.

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

oh that's wonderful! everyone needs a lifetime friend that like!

Scientific Housewife said...

It's great to have friends like that! You are blessed :)

Marigene said...

There is nothing better than a true friend...

Unknown said...

You are more than welcome. It's easy being your friend:)

Destination Seaborn said...

How sweet! Friends are the best! I love your yellow doors! Lisa