Gogo's Crazy Bones - A Mother's New Weapon (and tutorial)!


Have you seen these? I was not familiar with these little guys until I read this post from Hopestudios. After reading her post about these little Gogo's, I thought to myself, "My Max would love these. He is so into little figures, this is right up his alley." Well, I was right. He is now crazy for these little guys. In fact, so crazy, I now have a personal slave. He will do anything for a dollar so he can buy more.


Did I mention they are cheap? They average $1 a piece and come in 3 packs and 4 packs.  My local Wal-Mart is not carrying them yet but Toys-R-Us had the 5 packs- buy one get one 1/2 off. So I loaded up for lots of bribery! **Make sure you buy the book, it gives game directions and has a place for stickers**


I also made this cute little bag for Max to keep them in and a tutorial just for you! ENJOY!!


Square of fabric (whatever size you want)
2 lengths of ribbon/string/shoelace etc.
Clear Nail Polish (if u use ribbon that unravels at the ends)
Sewing Machine
Iron & Iron Board (optional)


Step One:
Cut a square of fabric (or rectangle etc.). Yes, I could have used something more manly, but this was a scrap!

Step Two:
Iron a small hem (1/8-1/4") on what will be the sides of your bag. I do this to avoid using pins and so my side hem will not un-crease when I am sewing. Then crease this again and iron (this will hid any unfinished edges). Stitch.



Step Three:
After both sides have been finished, we will now make a pocket for the drawstring. Do the same at the top of the bag that your did with the sides. Make sure your pocket is wide enough for the ribbon to flow through. Also, I use a safety pin to thread my ribbon, so make sure it's wide enough for this also. Stitch


Step Four:
Now it is time to put your bag together. Turn your fabric inside out and start to stich the sides right below the ribbon pockets you created in step three. You are going to leave the ends open of the top ribbon pocket.



Step Five:
Now you are ready to thread your drawstring. You will need two equal lengths. Hold up your drawstring to the top of the bag and look at how much you will need. The drawstring will be double looped and knotted, so be sure to have plenty. You can always trim it down. Once your drawstrings are cut, I use a safety pin to thread them around. You will need to alternate the opening for each string.




Step Six:
I am a terrible teacher and you have my permission to curse my name if my instructions do not work!! Just remember you are sewing a pillowcase type bag. You just have to remember to leave the top open for the drawstring. I used clear nail polish for the ribbon ends to keep them from unraveling.

Can you see the look on his face while he opens a new pack of Gogo's Crazy Bones? Priceless!


Now, I am exhausted! This was the longest post...Ev'A!!



Hillcrest Acres said...

My son is into gogo's. Him and his friends at school have games they play with them. I love that they are inexpensive. It doesn't make as much of a dent in my wallet compared to bakugans (so happy that phase is over.)

Shannan Martin said...

Well, I never heard of sucha thing! Hmmm. I'm sure Calvin would dig them, too, so I'll be sure to keep him away from this blog post. ;)

Jodi Nelson said...

Too funny! I have 3 boys. They're 16-24 years old. They had these when they were little! They loved them! I saw them while Christmas shopping and cracked up that they were back. I put a package in each of their stockings. They thought it was pretty cool. Hooray for gogo's!

katherinemarie said...

I've never heard of gogos. But I sure do like the NAME! :)

And you claim you're not crafty... please. Maybe someday you can teach me how to use a sewing machine.

The Single Nester said...

I have never heard of these. Not suprising since I have no kids. But, they are adorable. I may have to pick myself up one for this Single Nester.

Destination Seaborn said...

Great tutorial! This is the first I've heard of GoGo's. As the mother of two boys, it's important that I keep up on these things. Thanks for the info! Lisa

elizabeth said...

no - your bathroom is alot bigger when you come to visit and get warm!!!

Its So Very Cheri said...

I am stopping by to let you know that my blog has moved and I would love to have you come over and Re-sign up to follow me there.

Simple Daisy said...

Love that bag! Great tutorial...thanks:)

Packing Supplies | Packaging Supplier said...

Great tutorial and thanks for sharing with us. I have used the Fabric shopping bag when I go to market for shopping. This kind of bag truly eco-friendly and inexpensive.

Best Regards,