by Marion Elliot
ISBN-13: 978-0-7153-3630-4
From the Publisher:
• Sewing machines have become a must-have accessory and sales have risen by over 300% in the past two years in the new make-do-and-mend world!
• The book features over 12 projects and lots of technique spreads that will teach you all you need to know about your sewing machine.
• It has a modern and cool feel that will appeal to the new generation of sewers and crafters.
• The author is currently designing and making textile items for Liberty and she designs projects for various magazines.
“We adore our sewing machines; they are reliable, dependable and always there for us, whether we want to run up a pair of curtains, take up a skirt, or make handcrafted gifts.” Marion Elliot
No matter what the make or model, your sewing machine is a potential creative playground. Just by changing the foot, experimenting with materials, or doodling with the needle, you’ll discover that you can do much more than just stitch! Get the Most from your Sewing Machine is full of different techniques for you to try as well as projects ranging from quilts and curtains to gifts and greeting cards.
A mixture of feature spreads that are filled with tips, ideas, tricks, inspiration and creative projects are included and presented in an easy ‘dip into’ format with a funky design that provides a wealth of must know bite-size information. You will find ideas for upcycling garments and accessories as well as information on online sewing groups, blogs, markets and stitch + bitch get-togethers!
Author Info:
Marion Elliot is an artist and designer working in a variety of media, mainly fabric and paper. She has written many craft books and has exceptional talent for finding a quirky and smark approach to crafts. Currently designing and making textile items for Liberty and designing projects for various magazines including Sew Hip and Sew. She also sells her work on Etsy and Folksy.
My Review on YouTube.
How to enter (any of these will work, I count entries by comments):
1. Leave me a comment with your email address. +1
2. Tweet, Facebook or Blog about this giveaway. No need to leave me the link, just leave me two comments that you did. Suggested Tweet: ("tips, ideas, tricks & projects" #bookreview #giveaway Get The Most From Your Sewing Machine @rucraft @beachbrights) +2
3. Open to US & Canada, No PO Boxes
4. Contest ends July 2nd.
5. Shipping provided by me after July 12th (I am out of town).

• The book features over 12 projects and lots of technique spreads that will teach you all you need to know about your sewing machine.
• It has a modern and cool feel that will appeal to the new generation of sewers and crafters.
• The author is currently designing and making textile items for Liberty and she designs projects for various magazines.
“We adore our sewing machines; they are reliable, dependable and always there for us, whether we want to run up a pair of curtains, take up a skirt, or make handcrafted gifts.” Marion Elliot
No matter what the make or model, your sewing machine is a potential creative playground. Just by changing the foot, experimenting with materials, or doodling with the needle, you’ll discover that you can do much more than just stitch! Get the Most from your Sewing Machine is full of different techniques for you to try as well as projects ranging from quilts and curtains to gifts and greeting cards.
A mixture of feature spreads that are filled with tips, ideas, tricks, inspiration and creative projects are included and presented in an easy ‘dip into’ format with a funky design that provides a wealth of must know bite-size information. You will find ideas for upcycling garments and accessories as well as information on online sewing groups, blogs, markets and stitch + bitch get-togethers!
Author Info:
Marion Elliot is an artist and designer working in a variety of media, mainly fabric and paper. She has written many craft books and has exceptional talent for finding a quirky and smark approach to crafts. Currently designing and making textile items for Liberty and designing projects for various magazines including Sew Hip and Sew. She also sells her work on Etsy and Folksy.
My Review on YouTube.
A special thank you to Marie from D&C for making this giveaway possible. Marie is offering 3 lucky readers a chance to win Get The Most From Your Sewing Machine. Yes, I said 3!!!!!!
How to enter (any of these will work, I count entries by comments):
1. Leave me a comment with your email address. +1
2. Tweet, Facebook or Blog about this giveaway. No need to leave me the link, just leave me two comments that you did. Suggested Tweet: ("tips, ideas, tricks & projects" #bookreview #giveaway Get The Most From Your Sewing Machine @rucraft @beachbrights) +2
3. Open to US & Canada, No PO Boxes
4. Contest ends July 2nd.
5. Shipping provided by me after July 12th (I am out of town).
I need this book!! *squee* I want this book!.. *crosses fingers*
I'm just learning how to sew so anything would help me.
Wonderful giveaway! I need some inspiration!
Great giveaway - I think so many of us either get stuck in a rut with our sewing machines or are timid about trying new things.
This looks like an amazing book, I so totally want it . . . if I don't win I might be forced to actually get off my booty and go buy it (gasp). Thanks for the opportunity!
narniamum (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted, comment #1 (@narniamum).
I tweeted, comment #2 (@narniamum). Thanks again!
I'd love to win! The book looks awesome.
My sewing machinw was a gift 10 years ago and i still cant figure it out boohoo
New follower with a new machine. I would love this book!
lanie at laniejandco dot com
1. I tweeted (
2. I tweeted...
Would love to win this! Great back to school sewing! =)
Tweeted! {JewlznAZ}
Keeping fingers crossed!
Tweeted about this fabulous book! =)
I could really use this book! My MIL gave me a sewing machine three years ago and it is still in its box. I need some help. Thanks for the giveaway!
haleymjordan at yahoo dot com
I would love this book!
What a great book and I love sewing.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
I love my sewing machine too! It's just as valuable to me as my washer and drier...I'd love a copy of this book!
this book looks so cool! i'd rather you comment on my blog, other than put my email address out in the open. plus, i check your blog every day so i will keep up with the giveaway. i hope you understand.
Cute stuff! I'd love a copy!
Tweet Tweet :)
Great giveaway! Looks like fun!
I tweeted!
I need this so very much! Inspiration, please come my way! :)
semayawi dot toadcottage at gmaildotcom
I need this book's help so much as a new seamstress. thank you very much!
I hope I win this - I need good ideas!
Facebook link from me.
Facebook link from me
I could use the help! Thanks!
I could SO use this one! Love the jean sewing machine cover. Cute idea!
Awesome book!
allyann89 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I tweeted about the giveaway.
again, I tweeted.
This looks like a great book!
Great giveaway! I would love to win this book.
kirkandalice (at) gmail (dot) com
I just got my first sewing machine. I would love this book!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
the most from my machine?? great giveaway!
annemolino at hotmail dot com
tweet 2
Ohhhh!!!! I would so love to win this book!!
I NEED this book! My sister gave me her sewing machine and it making a lovely doorstop in my craft room!
Tweet! Tweet!
Tweet! Tweet! again
I tweeted!!
I posted a link on Facebook!/CarrieSymes?v=wall&story_fbid=128939277144913
This book sounds awesome! I would love to win.
Aweseome -- especially for my daughter and daughter-in-law. Both are creative and talented.
bmcbroom AT gmail DOT com
I love to sew and this looks like a great book - I hope I win :)
I tweeted from @cfulcher and @cfulcher_sews
2nd comment for tweet
I tweeted from @cfulcher and @cfulcher_sews
ANOTHER fabulous looking book. I not only need to get the most from my machine, I need to anything from my machine. I guess I should really fix the broken needle first.
Tweeted! Thanks!
This is soooo funny! I just watched your video review of this book on Amazon because I was thinking of purchasing it. I loved your review so I followed it to your blog and here is a giveaway! I will be following your blog now and am in the process of starting a blog myself. Good luck with your move. Nancy
I just recently bought my first sewing machine and would love to read this!!
I would LOVE to win this... I need some fresh ideas!
I blogged it.
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