Mother's Day Gift Idea: The Season of Second Chances and Giveaway


by Diane Meier
Henry Holt & Co.
March 30, 2010
ISBN: 978-0805090819

My Review: I actually did not want to review this book. I told them that I did not have time to read nor was I a good writer. They did not listen. I told them that I only review decorating books (with lots of pictures) and that my blog readers don't want to hear about fiction novels. They did not listen and sent me this book anyway.  I am so glad that they did not listen to me and now you need to listen...

Have you ever read a book that at the end of each chapter you would count the pages of the next chapter just to see if you had time to keep reading?  I just finished The Season of Second Chances and my world stopped for two days. For two days I did nothing but sneak a chapter here and sneak a chapter there. I was hooked and hooked hard!

The Season of Second Chances is a story about Joy Harkness a 48 year old literary professor who is asked to take a new job in a new town.  Joy thinks nothing of moving and finds herself buying and restoring a rundown Victorian.  In comes Teddy Hennessy, the town's handyman, to help Joy restore her new home.  I was surprised at my feelings of trust toward Joy. When I realized that her vantage point could not always be trusted, I found myself mad at her and emotionally invested in her well-being. But more than these two characters, Diane Meier writes a story that is clever and funny.  It is a story of personal growth, taking chances, finding your way in life and when tragedy strikes Joy and her new friends, this becomes a story about family.

My favorite quote from the book comes from Joy "But my vantage point was perhaps, too close to the shore to see that I had, at last, begun to swim toward my own life" (page 162).

My mind was like a movie, playing out each eloquently written sentence, scene by scene. Even now my mind still drifts to Joy and her life.  I was left wanting more and will continue to follow Diane Meier.

I loved this book and so will you.

5 out of 5 Stars, This would also make a great Mother's day Gift!

From the Publisher: A world of possibilities opens up for Joy Harkness when she sets out on a journey that’s going to show her the importance of friendship, love, and what makes a house a home

Coming-of-age can happen at any age. Joy Harkness had built a university career and a safe life in New York, protected and insulated from the intrusions and involvements of other people. When offered a position at Amherst College, she impulsively leaves the city, and along with generations of material belongings, she packs her equally heavy emotional baggage. A tumbledown Victorian house proves an unlikely choice for a woman whose family heirlooms have been boxed away for years. Nevertheless, this white elephant becomes the home that changes Joy forever. As the restoration begins to take shape, so does her outlook on life, and the choices she makes over paint chips, wallpaper samples, and floorboards are reflected in her connection to the co-workers who become friends and friendships that deepen. A brilliant, quirky, town fixture of a handyman guides the renovation of the house and sparks Joy’s interest to encourage his personal and professional growth. Amid the half-wanted attention of the campus’s single, middle-aged men, known as “the Coyotes,”and the legitimate dramas of her close-knit community, Joy learns that the key to the affection of family and friends is being worthy of it, and most important, that second chances are waiting to be discovered within us all.

Resource Links:
Diane Meier
Henry Holt & Co.


Now for the GIVEAWAY!! Evelyn Frison with Interpersonal Frequency has graciously offered ONE lucky commenters a copy of The Season of Second Chances. How to enter (any of these entries will work):

1. Leave me a comment with your email address.
2. Tweet or Facebook about this giveaway. Leave me a comment that you did (#bookreview #giveaway The Season of Second Chances by Diane Meier 5/5stars @beachbrights @henryholt).
3. Open to US/Canada Only, No PO Boxes.
4. Contest ends Sun. April 4th.


A special thank you to Evelyn Frison & Diane Meier for allowing me the opportunity to read this story from my mind and heart.


~Shari said...

Dontcha just love it when I book catches you hock, line and sinker? I am glad you enjoyed it and I would love to read it also.

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Sounds like a great book! Please count me in.

Cheryl said...

This sounds like an awesome book and I appreciate your review. I am a voracious reader and would love to add this book to my library. Thank you so much.
Cheryl Sims

Unknown said...

Just found your blog-good stuff ;) My mom would love this book...regardless, glad to have another blog to distract me LOL!


elizabeth said...

would love to read this book - always wanting good stuff to read -
thanks for the giveaway

JAG said...

Glad you reviewed it! Would love to read it also.

Mary Lynn said...

Ok, now I am going to have to read it! I wonder if it is on Kindle?! :)

Edna said...

Please enter me, I would love this book

I got this off book blogs,


Scientific Housewife said...

Sounds great, enter me please!

Jess said...

I want to read it!

Jessica said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

narniamum at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I tweeted.


Sarah @ Dream In Domestic said...

I've heard many great things about this book. I want to read it! Thanks for the giveaway.

My email is dreamindomestic @ gmail . com

Melissa said...

I'd love to read this book. Please enter me in your giveaway!
missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

Booksnyc said...

I am just finishing this book now and I agree with your assessment - it is a great book!

No need to enter me in the contest.

mysteryhistorymom said...

Sounds really good! Please count me in! Lori

mysteryhistorymom said...

I posted on facebook, Sweetie! Thanks so much for the fun giveaway!

Oh, I just posted about the book "The Help". LOVED it! Let me know if you have read it and we can discuss!:) Lori

Michelle said...

Great review for someone who "didn't want to review" this book! I've seen this in a few other places and am intrigued.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I would love to have this book!!!! Thanks for the Giveaway!!!! Happy Easter!!!

Michelle Torres

Life in the Enchanted Forest said...

Second chances are one of life's greatest blessings, and I'm unspeakably grateful for the 'second chances' I've been given! 'Can't wait to read this book!

Cherry said...

Came over from Cym Lowell's McLinky links for Book Review Party Wednesday (BRPW).

Don't include me in your giveaway as am non-US, but twitted about your contest at

Goodluck everyone!!

Cherry Mischievous

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this book ... and just in case I don't I wrote it on my "to find" list.

Denise said...

I would love to win this book so I could read it and then maybe recommend it for my next book club pick.

InMyOwnStyle said...

I have no time to read, I have a pile of books waitng by the side of my bed, but this books sounds like something I would really enjoy. Your review was perfect.


doreen lamoureux said...

Your review makes me want to read this. Thanks for the chance.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Mother's Day Gift Philippines said...

Well, thanks for sharing this review about "Mother's Day Gift Idea: The Seasin of Second Chances Giveaway". I enjoyed reading it.


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