Cooking Up A Storm with Pioneer Woman

Cooking up a storm with Pioneer Woman

I have been sick. I must have the immune system of a kid who attends public school and licks the floor because the symptoms just keep coming.  So, as we all know, Moms do not get sick days.  Not only do we keep on cleaning, organizing, running errands etc. We keep on cooking.  This lead me to a moment with my of those "Come to Jesus" moments. They listened and they cooked.

God Bless Them.  God Bless Pioneer Woman.



Callie and Raven said...

Raven and I want to know what they are cooking, it looks good. Hope you feel better soon. Tell Max we said HI and we love ya'll.

elizabeth said...

I have thought about adding Ree's cookbook to my christmas list?
do you love it? let me know your thoughts.

so sorry you are sick - I hope by now you are feeling a bit better -
so hard to take care of everyone else when you are just not feeling it too.

Rest up this weekend.

Byron Bright said...

Let the record show that I didn't NEED the cookbook...this was always my favorite meal growing up...fried cube steak, mashed potatoes, and black-eyed peas...just the way my mom makes it...although the cookbook did have great pictures and I guess I did cheat and use the gravy recipe from the book.

Callie Bright said...

Thanks for the wonderfull indorsement. I can't wait to cook you that meal again. We have some of the real stuff now. Uncle Jerry got me a deer. Had it last night for Dad's birthday. It was just like I remember. So Good.

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Sorry to hear you are so sick...hope you feel better soon!

jennifer said...

ha ha! that's good stuff!

Richella Parham said...

I know what you mean. And I call them "Come to Jesus" moments, too. :)