I came home from a rough morning. You see, I get migraines. Really bad migraines. Mine usually start in the wee hours of the morning and are accompanied by nausea, light, noise and smell sensitivity. The medicine I take works but has it's own issues. So, to make this long story shorter. This morning I had a migraine. Then I had to make a 5 year olds football game. In the cold and rain. After the game, I had to go to the grocery store. I was spent.
Finally, as I pulled in front of the house, much to my delight was this wonderful pumpkin and basket FULL of goodies (I did not take a picture of the goodies but really cute stuff like Halloween stickers, socks, candy, trinkets etc.). Attached to all this wonderful loot was this note:
(click title to print your own Boo-ed poem)
The air is cool, the season fall,
Soon Halloween will come to all.
With ghosts and goblins, spooks galore,
Trick-or-treaters at the door.
The spooks are after things to do.
In fact, a spook brought this to you.
The treats that come with this short note
Are yours to keep. Enjoy them both!
Excitement grows when friends like you
Will copy it and make it two.
Neighbors will have smiling faces;
None can guess who “BOO-ed” which places.
A day or two to work your spell,
But keep it secret! Hide it well!
Join in the fun; the season’s here.
So spread these “BOOs”—and share the cheer!
Please keep the BOO going by following these

Soon Halloween will come to all.
With ghosts and goblins, spooks galore,
Trick-or-treaters at the door.
The spooks are after things to do.
In fact, a spook brought this to you.
The treats that come with this short note
Are yours to keep. Enjoy them both!
Excitement grows when friends like you
Will copy it and make it two.
Neighbors will have smiling faces;
None can guess who “BOO-ed” which places.
A day or two to work your spell,
But keep it secret! Hide it well!
Join in the fun; the season’s here.
So spread these “BOOs”—and share the cheer!
Please keep the BOO going by following these
1. Enjoy your treat!
2. Place the BOO sign on your front door or a visible front window
3. Within the next two days, make two copies of this note and two more BOO signs. (Get free BOO printables at http://organizedchristmas.com)
4. Make two treat bags or BOO baskets
5. Secretly deliver to two neighbors without a BOO
6. Keep an eye on nearby front doors to see how far and fast it spreads by Halloween
So, go get Boo-ing!!
We did this in our MOPS group last year and it was so much fun for me!!! I was in the receiving end of a very, um, "interesting" Boo bag, but I sure had a blast picking out cute stuff for my person. :)
What a sweet treat... great cure (or at least distraction) from your headache.
Do you have any idea who left it for you?
Migraines must be a family curse - - I get them to (very similar ....they wake me up early morning..) Imitrex works for me IF I take it early enough!! I have only had to go to the ER Room once for help because I did not have Imitrex with me. I just hope you don't get the other "family curse" which is Kidney stones. I can't believe I would ever say this, but I would take a migraine over a kidney stone anyday!! I have had 2 (one had to have lithotripsy - - - and then I still had to make a trip to the emergency room from a piece getting stuck on the way out!! - OUCH!) I did not get my first kidney stone until 45 so you have a few years before you may have to deal with them!! (I hope you never get them!) Beth
WOW!! That is so CUTE and so creative!!
I love the boo thing - thanks for sharing the poem!
I get those nasty migraines too...I hope someone boo's me! Great idea :o)
How fun!! It sounds like it was just the BOOst you needed!!
I don't know if you made that pumpkin or not, but it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
We have done that at work before. Like a previous poster said, some people are not that great at creating boo bags, but it is fun making them for someone else too :)
Hope you are feeling better!
We began the Boo tradition for the year last night and chose a family on each street to get the ball rolling since it was so late. We got busted at 2 of the 3 houses! The kids look forward to it every year :)
Hope your head feels better soon. I love the Boo'ing. My kids are grown now, but oh what fun we could have with this.
I have done this before - SO much fun!!
That's an awesome BOO! Wow! Our neighborhood is too "keeping to themselves" to do this, but I have done it at work and I've never received anything this beautiful! Lucky you!
Feel better. :)
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