A picture is worth a thousand words, or in this case, a thousand pictures are worth one word. FUN!

Uncle Trey and Aunt Sherry

Max skiing for the first time.

Way to go, Max!

Sweet Cousin Lauren...
Lauren eating Grandmommy's cake.

Max sharing a special moment with

Max and
Grandmommy, Best Friends!
Grandmommy blowing out her candles.

Sleeping Lauren and her beautiful mommy.
Playing in the hot tub in 20 degree weather.
Max and Cym playing.

Go Max Go!

Down Hill Racing....

Max giving us the thumbs up.
Grandmommy with her cake.
Cym and Lauren

Snow play....

Snow ball fight...

One for Mommy...

Maybe our Christmas card for next year?
One for Max...

Watch out Daddy, Max has good aim!

To the head...


Pay Backs.

Byron in the snow...
look'n good!

Tubing down the hill!

More tubing...

Max was fast...swoosh....

Happy Boy!

Word....Peace out...
Thank you Grandmommy...Amazing!
Love it!!! All the pictures are so good. I love to see Max and Dale together. She loves him so much. What a great time and great photos to show it!
Well....since I can't find your Mom anymore, I am SOOOOO glad that you blog and update with pics! Everyone looks so great!
Tell your Mom to call me....
her KC email (only one I have) doesn't work and she hasn't returned my call! Just wanted to make sure all was okay.
Love you all!
Margot and the boys.....
(Talked to your dad on his birthday)
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