I have always wanted a pergola. Now I have one. I am happy.

Of course, nothing is easy on this home-front. Due to the height of the deck, the fact that we were trying to save money by adding on to an existing deck and the location of the roof/gutter line, our pergola had to be modified. Instead of stacking the cross beams on top of each other, an illusion was created by constructing a grid. Lots of measuring, lots of cutting. No, we did not do this ourselves.
Our marriage is not that strong.
1. First a header was installed, drilled to the brick and a support column was added to the front corner

2. Then the main cross beams were added

3. Here it gets tricky. The main cross beams intersect the column and the illusion is created

4. After the main beams are put in place, each cross-section is measured & cut

5. Almost complete

6. Here you can see how the support column was bolted to the existing deck

7. Then we had the pergola painted to match the trim and the deck floor stained. Again, we paid someone to do the work. There was no way in hell I was going to paint all this.

8. I planted these vines Hyacinth Bean Vine to climb the pergola
Looks amazing! I want a pergola in my backyard so bad!
oh wow. You are gonna love you back yard even more!!
Do you want some sunflower seeds from Indiana to plant also? I have been sending them all over the country side... :)
I love it! We have a pergola over our deck and I have been wanting to paint it. I would have to do it myself...ugh. Enjoy your new oasis.
I love it! Hubby built ours and it's one of my favorite things here.
It's awesome Christy!!
love it!!!
I can totally see myself sitting w/ you out there on a lovely summer evening!!!
I will bring the wine!
That completely changes the look of your deck! I love it, it is so custom. You have to enter it in the weekly blog parties, girl!
It looks great! Home projects tend to strain marriages! :)
I love pergolas--my neighbors built one and I stop to stare at it every time I walk past (they're probably wondering who that weird woman is lingering outside their house...).
Yours looks fab! They did a great job. It really gave your house a "WOW" feature. Smart thinking, having someone else do all that painting, too!
Forgot to mention how much I love the yellow doors in your header. Have you been watching "9 by Design"? They have a country house that is white with yellow shutters and doors. So cheery.
Very nice! I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy our pergola!
Miss ya...Lisa
I can just imagine how fantastic and colorful this is going to be with all those flowers. You guys are always doing the most amazing projects. I'm such a dork-- I'd never heard a of pergola before... now you understand the depth of my decorating inabilities!!! Thankgoodness I have your inspiration! :):):)
WOW! I realize this project was earlier this year but It totally transforms the house! I had to post about it. Great job!
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